Five Ways to Save...
On Lunch
Stephanie Nelson,
1. Brown bag it. Whether you eat lunch at home, school, or the office, you’ll pay a lot less if you make it yourself. Plus, you tend to eat better when you dine on a prepared meal, with no tempting menu staring you in the face.
2. Save $100/month! When we first began trimming our family’s budget about 20 years ago, one of the most helpful cuts was the daily restaurant lunch. Even eating in the company cafeteria added up over time! Just by packing our lunches, my husband and I saved $100 per month.
3. Leftovers. Last night’s leftovers are the beginnings of today’s lunch. Use leftover meat for a salad or a sandwich. With a little creativity, you can eat well and inexpensively. Making your lunch does not mean peanut butter sandwiches day after day!
4. Plan ahead. Make a big pot of your favorite soup one morning and have it a few days during the week. Freeze some for future meals as well. Bake extra chicken for sandwiches or to make chicken salad. Roast a turkey for gourmet turkey sandwiches.
5. Bargain lunch ideas. Incorporate some of these low cost lunch ideas into your lunch routine. Drink water for free or add a low-cost beverage such as iced tea, lemonade, or milk. Homemade chicken salad on pita (.68), tuna salad on wheat (.40) carrot sticks (.09), celery (.10), 1 oz. pretzels (.08), egg salad on wheat (.29), 2 cups lentil vegetable soup (.26), pasta salad with vegetables, 2 oz. chicken and 1 oz. cheese (.56)
Stephanie Nelson is the Coupon Mom. Her web site,, has over 6 million members, and she is established as the nation’s top expert in couponing across the country. Stephanie has been on every major national television talk show and taught millions how to save 08)money for the past 11 years. She has been called ‘”the rock star of the recession” by the Washington Post and her book, The Coupon Mom’s Guide to Cutting Your Grocery Bills in Half, is a New York Times best seller.
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