• Five Ways to Save with a Shopping Plan

Five Ways to Save...
With a Detailed Shopping Plan

Stephanie Nelson, CouponMom.com


Research shows that efficient shoppers with detailed shopping plans do a much better job of sticking to their shopping lists and budgets. 

1. Check to see what you already have on hand at home to turn ingredients in your kitchen into meals.  This also keeps you from accidentally duplicating items you've purchased previously.

2. Check your stores’ featured sale items on CouponMom.com and coupon bargains before leaving home, so you'll know exactly where to find the best deals.

3. Plan specific daily menus around your on-hand ingredients and store bargains. Create bargain minded menu plans.  Online recipe sites can help you tailor meals around deals.

4. When you have a menu plan, combine your current food inventory plus needed items bought on sale and with your coupons to create your shopping list.

5. Stick to your plan when you get to the grocery store, no impulse buying.


Stephanie Nelson is the Coupon Mom. With more than 6 million members, Coupon Mom gives members access to thousands of printable coupons for groceries, restaurants and more. As the nation’s top expert in couponing across the country, Stephanie has been on every major national television talk show and taught millions how to save money for the past 11 years. She has been called ‘”the rock star of the recession” by the Washington Post and her book, The Coupon Mom’s Guide to Cutting Your Grocery Bills in Half, is a New York Times best seller.

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