• Five Ways to be a Varsity Shopper

 Five Ways to Save...

Based on Your Shopping Personality:

The Varsity Shopper

Stephanie Nelson, CouponMom.com


1. Are you a Varsity shopper? A Varsity shopper is willing to spend 1-3 hours a week finding deals, cutting coupons, and shopping at more than one store.  Shopping isn’t a chore; it’s a fun game and an entertaining hobby.

2. Use the “No Clip” system. Date the Sunday coupon circular and use the CouponMom.com website to cut out  and download the coupons needed for deals before shopping. Also cut out coupons for items you know you’d buy if it was a deal. File cut coupons in a binder or a small coupon organizer to have coupons on hand when you are in the store, to pair with sale items.

3. Plan meals based on the stores’ ad. Review the deals at more than one store and determine which store is the best option for that week.  

4. Cherry Pick. To save the most, “cherry pick” the deals at more than one store and divide your shopping at 2 or 3 stores that are nearby to get the lowest prices.

5. Price matching. An alternative to cherry picking is to identify the best deals at each store. Then, go to one store that matches the prices of other stores (bring store ads to prove sale prices at other stores).  Wal-Mart and Target match prices.

Stephanie Nelson is the Coupon Mom. Her web site, 
www.CouponMom.com, has 6 million members, and she is established as the nation’s top expert in couponing across the country. Stephanie has been on every major national television talk show and taught millions how to save money for the past 11 years. She has been called ‘”the rock star of the recession” by the Washington Post and her book, The Coupon Mom’s Guide to Cutting Your Grocery Bills in Half, is a New York Times best seller.

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