cut your grocery bill in half and feed the hungry, too!
cut your grocery bill in half and feed the hungry!
Cub Scouts sell items for charity at a Kroger charity table!
Girl Scouts sell items for charity at a Kroger charity table!

Kids Cut Out Hunger for Large Groups (25+ participants)

Several methods have been successful in teaching this program to large groups, like Vacation Bible Schools or large school field trips. Specifically:

  • Rather than having each child shop with their individual lists, leaders can request a small donation from each child (such as $2) and pool the funds to make one large purchase, using the store ads for your store to identify the best sale items that week.
  • Contact the store manager a few days in advance to place a special order for the specific items and request that they be held. Ask that the store coordinate a few stops for a store tour.
  • Take the children for a field trip to the store, breaking the large group into smaller groups of 20 (no more than 80 children total). Children can be rotated through stations at 10 minute intervals.
  • One station can be the "Shopping Station", ideally located in the aisle with the canned meat and vegetables. A Leader can explain to children the basic facts of hunger in our community, what a food pantry is, how many families they serve a day, and what kinds of items we need to buy for charity (look at the Donate Food page for details, and contact your local food pantry director for specific facts about your community's needs).
  • If the group is too large to take to the store (such as an entire Vacation Bible School), the lesson listed above (#4) can be given at the school location, money can be collected, and volunteer parents can go buy the food. Report back to the children how many families they fed with their donations (divide the total number of food items--the number is at the bottom of the grocery store receipt--by 15, which is the average number of items given to a food pantry client). This fact makes it easier for children to comprehend the impact they are making in helping real people.
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Girl Scouts

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