Top 10 ways to save money on airline travel

Planning a family vacation or a weekend getaway? Coupon Mom has strategies to save you real money on the cost of your next adventure! We’ll help you spend less and enjoy your vacation more with savings on airline tickets and parking, restaurants and hotels, tourist attractions and holiday events all over the country.

1) Check Coupon Mom for deals and discounts on travel and vacation packages. Many include airfare and parking.

2) Be flexible with your flight dates, times — and even airports — and you may save hundreds of dollars.

3) Share a cab to the airport or take an airport shuttle. In larger cities you may save $100 compared to a taxi — and you won’t have to pay for parking.

4) Before you pack, check your airline’s website to find out what is and is not allowed in your carry-on bag. You don’t want to lose that nice shampoo or new cologne because it’s the wrong size bottle.

5) Check your airline’s website to find out about any charges for an extra bag or a carry-on. These fees can be high, but can be minimized or avoided altogether by strategic packing.

You’ll enjoy your vacation even more with tips and suggestions from Coupon Mom. We can save you plenty on the services you need, in the places you want to visit, at the times you’ll be there.

Above are the first 5 of the top 10 tips, but view the next 5 on this page:

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