HACK to ALWAYS Get FREE Bath Tissue

Free Charmin Bath Tissue

At Coupon Mom we track the best bath tissue deals across all stores and match them with either printable coupons or newspaper coupons. When combined with sales, coupons and possible cash back offers, you can save almost 50% on bath tissue. But why stop there when you can get it for FREE. Follow these steps to get free bath tissue every week:

  1. Go to our Free Deals List which shows you the “Free with Profit” items across all stores.
  2. Once you find a deal at one of your stores, click on the store name in the first column to go to the full deals list for that store
  3. Check to see if that store has bath tissue (Charmin, Cottonelle etc.)  listed as a deal that week.  If not, you can check to see which stores in your state have those items on sale.  Just select your State from this list, and then enter the words “bath tissue” into the search box or the brand of bath tissue you would prefer.
  4. Go to that stores full list of deals and look for items that are free, or free with a “profit.”  These items will be at the very top of the list.

In many cases, the “profit” from a few items will be enough to cover the cost of the bath tissue. Let’s look at an example that is very typical:

Store A has Brand X shampoo on sale and Brand Y toothpaste on sale.  After combining coupons and cash back offers, the shampoo will give you a profit of $4 and the toothpaste will give you a profit of $1. Even if you don’t need or want the shampoo/toothpaste, you can buy it and donate it to charity or give it to a friend.  You keep the combined $5 profit, and apply that toward the cost of the bath tissue.  So if bath tissue is on sale for $7.94 and you have a $3 coupon, the bath tissue will cost $4.94.  Apply the $5 profit from the shampoo and toothpaste and your bath tissue will be FREE with a 6-cent profit.

This “buy it even if you don’t want it” strategy can work for any item you need to make it free.  So check the Free Deals list on the Coupon Mom site each week and see which stores have items that are free with a profit.  Check the store’s full deals list and see if your favorite items are on sale with coupons too, and buy the profit items to cover the cost of the items you need.

That’s Strategic Shopping!  Get more details on how to get free deals every week with our free Ebooks and How To Videos at CouponMom.com