Walmart Deal Preview Starting Jan. 4th


Make sure to get Sunday’s newspaper coupons to stock up on free items and more at Walmart.

Highlights of the new Walmart Deal Preview List starting Sun. 1/4 include:

Free Bayer aspirin with $1.16 profit

Free Tabasco 2 oz. with 41-cent profit with cash back offer

Free Dulcolax Stool Softener, 25 ct.

Free Zantac – 24 ct.

Free Delsym Cough Syrup, 5 oz.

24-cent Bic Cristal Pens, 10 ct.

65-cent Campho Phenique, .23 oz with printable coupon

40-cent Midol -16 ct.

64-cent Phillips Stool Softener, 30 ct.

Find over 800 additional deals from our Walmart Deals List this week