Walmart: 23-cent Off Insect Repellent!


OFF Deep Woods Insect Repellent 2.5 oz (Find near checkout)

Price: $3.48

Less: 75-cent 5/15 S coupon

Pay: $2.73 at the register

Get $2 Ibotta rebate for Off repellent

Get 50-cent per item Ibotta rebate bonus WYB this and Banana Boat

Net cost: 23-cents 

Get Deal Details from Walmart Deals List 

If you buy Banana Boat sunscreen and Off repellent in the same order, you will get a $1 Ibotta bonus on both items.  The Bonus savings is shown in the final price of the Off insect repellent making it a moneymaker.  If you also buy the Banana Boat sunscreen listed on the Walmart Deals list, your final price of the sunscreen will be just $2.94 using a 5/22S $1 newspaper coupon and its own $2 Ibotta rebate.