Office Max/Depot:$35 School Supplies for $1

Get $35 of School Supplies for $1.05!

Office Depot 1 Subject Notebook-$0.01
Paper Mate Pink Pearl Erasers 3 ct-$0.01
Pencil Pouch-$0.01
Scholastic Glue Sticks 4 ct-$0.01
Office Depot Pencil Sharpener-$0.01
Office Depot Multipurpose Paper ream- $1

School supplies will each cost 1-cent each with minimum $5 purchase, so buy the ream of paper priced at $6 to get you over the $5 goal, and you will get $5 back in store rewards points for the paper.  Details are:

Pay $6.05 at the register
Get $5 back in Rewards
Net Cost: $1.05

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