Kroger: $20 Groceries FREE

Kroger has a buy 6, save $3 promotion when you purchase 6 participating items in a single transaction. We have included the promo in the following scenario and got $20 worth of groceries FREE. Make sure to check out our store deals list to see what other items are included in the promo.

Buy 1- Onion, one small
Get: 25¢ back from Ibotta

Buy 2- Banana, two small
Get: 25¢ back from Ibotta
Get: 10¢ back from Mobisave

Buy 2- Suave Body Wash, 15 oz
Use: (2) 75¢ off newspaper coupon from RedPlum2
Get: $1.50 back from Ibotta with purchase of 2

Buy 2- Nabisco Go Paks 3.5 oz. cups
Use: 75¢ off newspaper coupon from SmartSource (1-15)
Get: $2 back from Checkout 51
Get: 25¢ back from Ibotta for any brand cookie

Buy 2- Nabisco Ritz Crackers 8-13 oz
Use: 75¢ off newspaper coupon from SmartSource (1-15)
Get: $2 back from Checkout 51

Buy 1- Ronzoni Pasta, 10-16 oz
Get 25¢ back from Ibotta for any brand pasta
Get 10¢ back from Mobisave for any brand pasta

Buy 1- Sticky Fingers Barbecue Sauce 18 oz
Use: $2 off newspaper coupon from SmartSource (1-22)

Total sale price: $12.03
Pay at Register: $7.03
Get: $6.70 back from Ibotta, Checkout 51 and Mobisave
Net Cost: 33¢ for 11 items!

Kroger: see full deals list here

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