How to Cut Your TV and Internet Bills in Half

For years, I’ve been showing how to save money on groceries, now I want to show you how you could do the same with your TV & internet bill.

How much are your monthly bills? Do they seem to be rising? That’s most likely because they are!

TV & internet providers always lure customers in with low introductory rates, which then increase after 6 months, again after 12 months, again after 2 years and so on. (What happened to rewarding customers for their loyalty!?)

Well I’ve added a new tool to the site which calculates the savings you could make by switching providers. All you need to do is enter your current provider, the amount you’re paying and the type of service you have and the savings calculator shows you better alternatives at your address.

I’m sure many people are happy with their current service. For the rest of us, this is a simple free tool to make sure you’re not overspending.

Check it out below: