Centrum Gummies 70 ct, buy one get one 50% off - Rite Aid Coupons expired on 05/06/2017

Estimated price from RiteAid.com. Nature Made, Advil, Thermacare, Chapstick, Caltrate, Centrum & more Plenti Points Promo item. Spend $30 on select items and get $10 Plenti Points Reward. Limit 2 rewards. Sale includes full line of Centrum, this is one example. This item earns $4.45 of the $10 Plenti Points Reward and shown in cash back column. Price is after Plenti Points Reward and 2 newspaper coupons.
Optional; RedPlum offer is for SAVE $1.00 off ANY CentrumĀ® or CaltrateĀ® (40ct or larger) (expiring on 05/30/2017)..

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